Play Therapy
Play therapy is to children what counselling is to adults. Play therapy is helpful for children aged from 3 to 10. Each play therapy session typically lasts about 45 minutes. Prior to the first play therapy session, the therapist will arrange a parent intake session in order to collect information about the child, the family, and the concerns of the parents. A parent consent form will be signed in the intake session.
Children use play as a natural medium of communication. Play is children’s language and toys are their words. Children are able to express feelings and needs, modify behavior and develop problem-solving skills through play, toys and art materials. An understanding of children’s play provides cues to help the therapist to enter more fully into the inner world of the child. In the atmosphere of care, respect and freedom, children are able to “play-out” their feelings and engage in the self-healing process.
Not sure if play therapy
can help your children?
Below is the treatment range of play therapy. Parents/guardians are welcome to bring up any topics concerned during the intake session, you are not limited to the matters on this list!